A Dazzling Mexican Plant Bidens Ferulifolia

A Dazzling Mexican Plant: Bidens Ferulifolia

A Guide to Growing and Enjoying This Versatile Summer Flower

About Bidens Ferulifolia

Ampelskäran, also known as Bidens ferulifolia, is a captivating hanging summer flower that adds a vibrant splash of color to any garden. Its delicate yellow flowers, resembling tiny stars with a contrasting orange center, create a stunning display that attracts attention and brightens up any space.

Growing Habits and Care

Bidens ferulifolia is a versatile plant that can be grown in both hanging baskets and as a border plant. It thrives in well-drained soil that remains evenly moist. As a native of Mexico, it prefers warm temperatures and plenty of sunlight. Regular watering and fertilization will encourage abundant blooms throughout the summer months.

Varieties and Uses

There are several varieties of Bidens ferulifolia available, including:

  • Golden Nugget: With star-shaped yellow petals and an orange center, this variety is a showstopper in any garden.
  • Apache Beggarticks: This vigorous perennial produces a profusion of yellow flowers and is ideal for groundcovers or trailing over walls.
  • Mexican Bidens: As a perennial, it can grow quite large, but it is typically cultivated as an annual for its vibrant yellow blooms.

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